Hi all -
Sorry for the oh-so-very lazy nature of this blog. I am constantly thinking about posting....to create a keepsake of a funny something, or to share a story, or to tell you about the news of us Moons'. But then life happens and I get distracted. Part of the problem is, I think, that I don't have a very easy/convenient way to get pictures off my camera and into the www.
I did have a scare but I will tell you right now that the pathology came back fine. I will also preface this by saying that I do not want to ever be one of those people who is unduly preoccupied with personal health and believes that illness is nearly always present or imminent. Really, I strongly dislike all the drama.
Anywho, a couple months ago I felt a hard little lump in my neck. It did not away and maybe gotten slightly bigger. It was closer to my jaw than my collarbone. It didn't hurt. It’s wasn't tender. It was just a hard little bump, like a hard pea under my skin. It was on the right side, same side as my BC. I am blessed to have a brother-in-law (Donald, many of you know) that is a magnificent doctor!! He is an Otorhinolaryngology surgeon …an ENT but the long word is more fun to say. :) He is in another state so he referred me to a doctor near me that he has known and respected for 20 years. After some due diligence, it was recommended that I get a biopsy.
Nothing about cutting my neck sounded quick or easy. Seems to me, as a lay person, that there is a LOT of important stuff in there. It was a really tough decision to get the biopsy but I am glad I did because I have such peace now.
And, oh my gosh, The Great Healer has blessed me with a body that heals remarkably fast. The first picture below is of the day after the surgery. The second is 5 days later. I also had a talented surgeon. It's all good!!