Friday, February 20, 2009


My poor little Oscar is sick. He woke up early yesterday morning feeling poor. I heard once that some kids run hotter/higher fevers than others. I am not sure if that is true but this sweet boy BURNS up. He will spike 104 in an instant. Scares me. But I get Tylenol (alternating with Motrin) in him and he is on the Wii like nothing is wrong. It is tempting to think he is better until the medicine wears off and he looks like this...poor baby.

So my job is to stay ahead of his discomfort.

On another note, I talked to Dr. O yesterday about my progress and if my positive response to the drugs will alter our "plan". Honestly, I am just beleaguered at the thought of 9 to 10 more months of treatments, especially via my port. She explained that it is the microscopic cancer cells that they worry about and that 30% of all women with metastatic breast cancer will eventually develop brain tumors. So they will not alter my chemo schedule or treatment plan in any way. Okay-dokie....fine by me. Bring it on. Roger that. 10-4. I am in great hands and know her plan is the one for me. :)

I am doing pretty good. I do love and treasure good days. I have had horrible heartburn, nausea and diarrhea. But I also have energy and an appetite. Yeah for that! I wake up every single night alternating between sweating profusely and cramping. I imagine that my ovaries are putting up a stellar fight to stay outta menopause. I still have a perpetual horrid taste in my mouth like I have been chewing on a tin can but I do not have mouth sores. So, all-in-all, things are going okay and could be much worse, for sure.

Love to you all and yours. Enjoy a wonderful weekend!



Unknown said...

Dear Maureen,
I am so sorry that Oscar is sick.
Both Gabriel and Noah contracted
the flu withe high fevers. I felt so bad for them until I came down with it 3 days later. Then I felt bad for me.
Maybe when Oscar is better he would like to do some sword fighting with Noah? --Kathleen

Anonymous said...

My Ra was sick last week....I am sorry I hope you are feeling up to taking care...and being cautious so that you do not get is your immune system??

It will be a year from now so quick and those infusions will be done. I know by the end of mine I was dragging in.....but herceptin anyway I feel asleep really quick b/c of the amount of benadryl they gave me.....I would have to have my talks with my friends there quickly they could time my drop time. I had friends stop coming to hang out like they had b/c I just passed out....sometimes they'd come and leave a post it note on my unread book?!!:) I know you can do it.....but the road looks so long from where you are now.....with the tykerb it is targeted to protect the brain...b/c of mestatic b/c going to the brain(her2 es) herceptin is great first step...tykerb is just great that you are getting that exposure. I wanted to go back and go on Tykerb as part of the trial here at UAMS, but my nurse and Oncologists were not encouraging it for me....b/c of my repsonse so far....its hard.....I was thinking if I can do it all.....their thoughts were well a little different approach. I am happy that from the start this was available for you and you are getting hold tight fists mouth sores is a glorious thing that is for sure...thinking of you daily....fists up..JoAnna

Susie said...

So sorry your little guy (and it looks like girly girl too!) are sick. I just had to say WOW! Oscar is one handsome little dude, even sick. Get ready to fight off the ladies!