Sunday, April 26, 2009

10, 9, 8....

I am really in the countdown now!! Praise God! I am finally letting myself anticipate, with joy, the end of this retched phase of treatment.

I have been blindsided this time around. With my FEC75 I knew I would feel terrible the first day and several days after. But then I slowly felt better each day. I was nauseous throughout but I could rally and get up and feel like a somewhat functioning human being, albeit one with a colossal "hangover"-type sick feeling. With this weekly treatment, or maybe the combo of this and my nightly pills, it has been a whole new dreadful ball of wax. I feel fine the day of chemo and the day after (because of the steroids, I think). But it is down hill the rest of the week. And each week it has gotten so much worse. It is skin feels like I have shingles (even the lightest, softest cotton hurts), deep bone & muscle pain, my gums are swollen and I swear my teeth feel loose (lol), nasty issues with my fingers & toe nails, and oh so much more that I just won't go in to.

This past week frightened me though. The worst day was Friday. It even hurt to moan. It scared Oscar, which made me want to jump up and tap dance just to stop his fear. But I physically could not. It was heart wrenching and, to date, it was the hardest part of this whole process. Not my pain but his worry. God blessed me with these beautiful children to love and protect. It is my job to insulate them and shelter them and make them feel safe in their world. And there was my precious, delicate boy asking me if I was dying. It is too much for a 6 year old. At 3 years old Angelica is less aware and easier distracted. I tell her mommy is okay and she is happy to run off and chase Oddie. Oscar wouldn't leave my side. He crawled in bed with me and would not leave.

Suffice to say, I made arrangements for help the later part of next week (when it is the worst). I made the arrangements while I still remembered how bad it was. I think once I start to feel better I tend to forget how terrible it is (was) and I think I can handle it. No, I can't. I cry uncle and will not be alone the later part of next week...for the sake of my children. By the way, I know that the "forgetting how bad it was" part is just another gift from God (right, otherwise every family would only have 1 the pain of childbirth).

Okay, so I made it until my second-to-last treatment before I hit a wall, metaphorically speaking. There are some women, young woman even, who feel like this after 2 or 3 treatments. There are some woman who end up with walkers or wheelchairs by their 4th or 5th treatment. Once again, God has taken SUCH amazing care of me!! I praise Him daily for being faithful to His Word. He has it all under control and in His perfect plan we will survive. Oscar will come through this stronger and even more empathetic. I will be a better mom, person, friend and Christian. Angelica will be even more buoyant. Hell, maybe even Oddie will stop peeing on the carpet. Hallelujah!!!!!

Thank you all my faithful friends....thank you for checking in and for being with me on this journey. I could not do it without your love, your support, your healing thoughts and all your prayers.



joanna said...
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Vicki said...
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Carrie said...

I'm so sorry Mo. I know this is so hard and it is almost over thank GOD! We are all here to help you. I have you in my prayers daily. I love you so much.

Chris H. said...

Dear Maurenn,

We're excited for this phase to be over, too. We are here and ready to do ANYTHING. I hope you can feel the loving arms around you... XXOO

- Chris

Anonymous said...

I just want to be there.....I hate to think of the pain you feel. Thank goodness we are all counting down with you. It is so hard to read your notes and feel so helpless, I know all of us would gladly take that pain for you if we could. I am glad you have help scheduled for next time. Good for you. My love and prayers are with you, hang in there Maureen. You certainly will appreciate the day you wake up and feel good. Those days will be here before you know it. Love Barbara xoxoxox

Janet said...

Yippee! Maureen. Not "yippee" because you have felt so bad this last week, but "yippee" because this is your last chemo. I am just so thankful. I heard this verse in Bible study this week and thought of you. It is the peace that passes understanding (which you have).

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm: 34:4

Much love and prayers for you, Oscar and Angelica and your sisters.

Barbara Grattan said...

HI Maureen-
Barbara Grattan here saying hello from California. Your kids are a treasure. It sounds like Oscar will grow up to be a compassionate, loving guy, who will treat women with kindness and respect. That says a lot about you and how you have reared him! I am sorry you are feeling so bad that there are no words to describe it. Hang in there.. You are almost to the goal line!

Molly Scholes said...

Sending lots of positive thoughts for your last treatment, Maureen! What a sweetheart your Oscar is...

Anonymous said...


It was pure joy to hear your voice this weekend, but it broke my heart learning all of the details you just outlined on this latest blog. Please remember how many prayer warriors are interceding for you - I hope that when you rest and dream your thoughts are filled with all the love being sent to you from around the country.

I love you, miss you, will do anything to help you and I'm just a phone call away.

God Bless.


Carol's Biggest Fan said...

Only God. Hang in there-- You're in the home stretch!
-- Mark

yogicgabe1 said...

you don't know me..... I am Rick Pelkey's older sis, Gabriella. My heart broke when I read your blog. I can emphathize with you. I don't know the exact things you feel, but I have witnessed. My 5 yr old grand daughter is battleing Luekemia. My father in- law fought long and hard against the ugly monster. We lost him at Thanksgiving this year. He lived with us for the last 7 months of his life. I can say that in the middle of the pain and fear, is the most amazing gift. You get TIME, time we never allow for otherwise. ( The lesson? YES!) I wanted the days to last & last with this man. It is a long story, but one day maybe we could share stories. In the meantime, know that I am pushing positive energy your way!!! We will add you & your kids to our prayer list, and if you could, please pray for my Granddaughter ...Ryan Paige Wiggins

With love & respect
