Fishing was an adventure! We had the perfect bait - hot dogs. And the perfect spot - a little city park near our house. And the perfect anglers - Oscar & Angelica. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that the second the kids would put their line went in the water, we were reeling it out with a fish on it. The kids were ecstatic! We could not pull the fish out fast enough (and then of course promptly let them go). All 3 of us were cackling like fools and drew a crowd. LOL And Oscar was so kind to Angelica and helped her. It was a glorious morning!!!
The only slight hiccup we had was when Oscar loaned his pole to another little boy, who caught a fish...pulled it out...and it smacked Angelica across the head. It dampened her spirits temporarily. And I don't blame her. Getting hit in the head with a wet, slimy fish always puts me in a bad mood.
Here are some of the pcitures from my cell phone. You didn't think I would post a fish tale without proof, didjya?!

It feels like it is 4:00 in the afternoon. I am exhausted, but it was so worth it. I'm headed down for a big, fat nap. Enjoy your Saturday...wherever you are!
It sure sounds like you guys had a lot of fun, it is so great! we love you guys.
GO oscar, GO angelica !
so it's true, it isn't that we aren't good fisherpeople after all,
we just had the wrong bait.
i wasn't convinced our gummy bears would excite the fish too much but it was sure fun watching them grab that bobber and then split!!
all my love,
Maureen, I have been out of town and am just now getting caught up on what's going on with you. You are a real trooper and I am grateful for that. Keep it up and know that I think about you every day.
I don't think your angels could be any more adorable. What a great--and much needed--day of fun! Love you! --Janice.
It sounds (and looks) like you all had such a good time! I'll have to try hotdogs the next time we go fishing. I love the pictures!
I am so happy about all your good news. You are all in my prayers each day.
Much Love, Janet
Hey, Maureen. Everything on your latest post is great news! So happy to hear it. Enjoy those special times with your babies because they grow up so quickly. Let Janet and I know when we can go with you to Chemo again. I would love to do that again :)
Love, Johnna
What a wonderful fish story. I am so glad you had some giggles and the kids had so much fun. I think you look beautiful in your picture, I can tell that your spirit has been renewed and so it should be with all the wonderful positive news you are receiving. I am so grateful and thrilled for you all.
Love Barbara
Can I just say: Angelica's camera smile makes me laugh right out loud!!
You are in my thoughts,
Maureen, this is so AWESOME. You are such an incredible MOM! What a beautiful family... Hope you're feeling better every day! - Chris
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