I thought would share the chronology with you...so you can continue to share in the follicular journey with me. Part 2 will come when I have a full head to share with y'all. I know you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation. Reading this blog post you might almost think I am hard up for topics to write about. LOL
For now I am shocked and thrilled with how fast my locks are coming back. Must be all the wheat grass I am growing, juicing and drinking. Whodathought I would be happy about having to pluck the unibrow...!
January 2009
Head hair gone, nose hair gone. Still hanging on to a few eyebrows and eyelashes.

May 2009
It's all gone. Eyelashes, eyebrows, arm hair, etc ALL went away around February or March.

Early June 2009
The first of the sprouts. Gray and wispy.
Click to enlarge if you don't believe me. :)

Late June
Oh my gosh...it is growing fast. And seriously swirling in every different direction. Now I understand what they mean by cowlicks. Looks like a whole herd got to me.
A hair in the head is worth two in the brush.
~Oliver Herford
I had a long day of radiation and chemo...but an enjoyable time with my friend Danielle who had nearly the same treatments as I did today. I thoroughly enjoy her because she is wonderful and funny and fun to talk with. And she is going through this too so talking with her is therapeutic. Plus we live close to each other and have several mutual friends!
I am tired so heading to bed. Sweet dreams, sweet friends!