I thought would share the chronology with you...so you can continue to share in the follicular journey with me. Part 2 will come when I have a full head to share with y'all. I know you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation. Reading this blog post you might almost think I am hard up for topics to write about. LOL
For now I am shocked and thrilled with how fast my locks are coming back. Must be all the wheat grass I am growing, juicing and drinking. Whodathought I would be happy about having to pluck the unibrow...!
January 2009
Head hair gone, nose hair gone. Still hanging on to a few eyebrows and eyelashes.

May 2009
It's all gone. Eyelashes, eyebrows, arm hair, etc ALL went away around February or March.

Early June 2009
The first of the sprouts. Gray and wispy.
Click to enlarge if you don't believe me. :)

Late June
Oh my gosh...it is growing fast. And seriously swirling in every different direction. Now I understand what they mean by cowlicks. Looks like a whole herd got to me.
A hair in the head is worth two in the brush.
~Oliver Herford
I had a long day of radiation and chemo...but an enjoyable time with my friend Danielle who had nearly the same treatments as I did today. I thoroughly enjoy her because she is wonderful and funny and fun to talk with. And she is going through this too so talking with her is therapeutic. Plus we live close to each other and have several mutual friends!
I am tired so heading to bed. Sweet dreams, sweet friends!
HOT! Not the weather. YOU!! I just showed this to Russell and he said, "she looks hot". They Dylan looked at it and said, "she looks beautiful. Can we go to her house?" Really...you look great. Sort of a Sinead O'Connor (I know I totally mispelled that name), funky, hot look. It works for you with that little round noggin.
I continue to pray for complete healing.
Much Love, Janet
You look terrific, Maureen. Good to see your smiling face...
Mike S.
You look great! I'm so proud of you for never feeling the need to wear a wig--you're beautiful inside and out, hair or no hair!
You are BEEEEEE-UUUUU-TEEEE-FULLL! Seriously. You look so good! Will call you - miss you!
HOT is right! You look stunningly beautiful. So great to see you, and your progression of healing. Love you. --Janice.
One of my friends, whose hair is now growing back after chemo, calls her new hair her ground cover.
You are looking good! I am rooting for you. hee hee hee. YAY you.
Gosh you look sooo good. Wow your hsir is growing so fast. Woo hooo
Love Barbara
I like the look! And I'm not just saying that because my people have short hair and wear comfortable shoes.
Hi Maureen, I just met your sweet sister Megan (through my stamping blog). We hit it off and she shared your blog with me. I have spent the last hour reading post after post (my son can eat breakfast later!! LOL This is important!) WOW what an amazing story! You are such an inspiration, and I LOVE your creativity and humor throughout this journey! I am repeating over and over your sister's comments in one of your very first posts: "You will not walk this road alone...we will be beside you every step of the way. And if you can't walk, then we will carry you!"
Thank you for blogging, I will be praying for you Maureen!! BTW, your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!! Like mother like son/daughter!
God bless you!
"A hair in the head is worth two in the brush." LOL! 'nuff said.
You're looking fabulous!
You look great!!! Love the short hair. Truly, it is darling on you. Please let me take your kids one morning to the KC. Let me know when you may need help. Would love to take them especially since they are good swimmers. We are heading to the lake this weekend and will be back on Mon. night. Hope to hear from you soon and will call or email in the next week. Thinking of you! Christy
Enjoyable rads and chemo....that says it all....finding the joy in all things even the toughest of days......you got the look....the really short hair is kind of cool and hip....put on some intellectual glasses and you chose that haircut:) Fists up....
OMG--Only you would miss nose hairs! I could have donated some, had I known. (Seems I've inhereted a plethora of ear and nose hair, thanks grandpa.)
Your new hair looks awesome--I love the sleek look! Tres chic!!
XOXO - Chris
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