I will start with the can of worms and try to limit it to 10 sentences or less.
I hardly ever turn on the TV anymore (except for a couple Bravo guilty pleasures) but when I tried to watch the news yesterday it was dedicated 100% to Michael Jackson...non-stop. There was nothing about the fallen heroes fighting for our country or the 3-year-old that was abducted or the ethnic clashes in China. I try very hard to stay away from controversy on this blog. And I realize some may be offended by this. I know Michael was brilliant. I am sure he was misunderstood. I am just SAD that our society venerates a man who admits to sleeping in the same bed with small boys. Whether anything happened is between Jacko and God.
Now on to much more pleasant and amusing topics.
Oscar has been BEGGING for a walking stick bug for weeks. No, not another puppy. Not a kitten. A walking stick bug. He has been pleading with me to call all the pet stores to see if they have them, etc. When we go outside he walks into things because his eyes are glued to the trees trying to find one.
Let me back up and say that we have 2 frogs, 15 soft-shell crickets (that were supposed to go to the frogs but Oscar couldn't bear it so they are now our pets), lots of fish, 2 dogs and and a crawfish.
So imagine our pleasant surprise (my voice dripping with sarcasm) when we found a walking stick bug on the patio of our friend Linda's gorgeous home! He was on his back, stiff and still, arms crossed...dead (-looking). But we were still excited to find one. We put him in a box to come home. Well, he woke up! And jeepers is he fast for a spindly bug.
We got him home and settled in a very large plastic box that used to house some of my things. We put a Wall-E coloring book on top as a lid. We went to bed Monday night, happy and content, with our newest family member safely tucked in. He wasn't looking too good though. In fact during prayers Oscar asked God for some more time with his new pet because "he is a really good stick bug...please let him stay alive a while longer".
We woke up Tuesday morning to an empty box. The stick bug was not dead...he was gone. We looked through all the leaves and sticks. No stick bug. Scoured Oscar's room...no stick bug. Looked all over the house, no stick bug. Checked Scruffy's teeth for evidence...no stick bug.
Good news, we found him in the shower this morning. Once they did CRP on me I was fine. Gotta go...headed to Petsmart for a terrarium with a lid and padlock!

I hardly ever turn on the TV anymore (except for a couple Bravo guilty pleasures) but when I tried to watch the news yesterday it was dedicated 100% to Michael Jackson...non-stop. There was nothing about the fallen heroes fighting for our country or the 3-year-old that was abducted or the ethnic clashes in China. I try very hard to stay away from controversy on this blog. And I realize some may be offended by this. I know Michael was brilliant. I am sure he was misunderstood. I am just SAD that our society venerates a man who admits to sleeping in the same bed with small boys. Whether anything happened is between Jacko and God.
Now on to much more pleasant and amusing topics.
Oscar has been BEGGING for a walking stick bug for weeks. No, not another puppy. Not a kitten. A walking stick bug. He has been pleading with me to call all the pet stores to see if they have them, etc. When we go outside he walks into things because his eyes are glued to the trees trying to find one.
Let me back up and say that we have 2 frogs, 15 soft-shell crickets (that were supposed to go to the frogs but Oscar couldn't bear it so they are now our pets), lots of fish, 2 dogs and and a crawfish.
So imagine our pleasant surprise (my voice dripping with sarcasm) when we found a walking stick bug on the patio of our friend Linda's gorgeous home! He was on his back, stiff and still, arms crossed...dead (-looking). But we were still excited to find one. We put him in a box to come home. Well, he woke up! And jeepers is he fast for a spindly bug.
We got him home and settled in a very large plastic box that used to house some of my things. We put a Wall-E coloring book on top as a lid. We went to bed Monday night, happy and content, with our newest family member safely tucked in. He wasn't looking too good though. In fact during prayers Oscar asked God for some more time with his new pet because "he is a really good stick bug...please let him stay alive a while longer".
We woke up Tuesday morning to an empty box. The stick bug was not dead...he was gone. We looked through all the leaves and sticks. No stick bug. Scoured Oscar's room...no stick bug. Looked all over the house, no stick bug. Checked Scruffy's teeth for evidence...no stick bug.
Good news, we found him in the shower this morning. Once they did CRP on me I was fine. Gotta go...headed to Petsmart for a terrarium with a lid and padlock!

Hilarious! Oscar's prayer was answered! ;)
I totally argee on the MJ thing--what a fiasco!
This made me laugh and laugh! Don't you have enough to take care of and now a big bug?! Hilarious! --Janice.
He is going to be a Biologist! We are looking for a microscope for him where he can place living insects and watch them, we are sure he will love it! We miss you guys...soooooooo much
Too funny, I have a similar story only my story involves a snake. My som Matthew has always loved snakes. We now have 3. The boa went missing and was found by an innocent plumber who came to work on our shower. He found the boa that had been missing for a month, alive and well. The plumber, after his initial shock, thought it was funny.
Maureen, you look wonderful. That is so funny about Oscar and his bug. What a relief to worry about a bug, though, huh? I am so happy for you. It has been exactly one year since Caroline was born (when I was completely bald) and I have so much hair now. I hope your surgery went well. All is well here. Mary Coman
love the stick bug..God works in mysterious ways!!! Hope you are feeling well, taking good care, trying to rest and having just the best summer with the kiddos and many Moonssssssssssssss pets!!
You are such a GOOD MOMMY, Maureen!! I gave away the fish & tank carefully and secretively after a long, long 2 years of caring for it all by myself. We are a one pet family...an easy/sweet/take care of herself cat!! How lucky Oscar is to keep a live zoo inside the home!!!LOL!!
Ditto with the MJ parade.
Unbelievable,embarrassing!!!!!!!!!! I could go on, and on, but will stop there.
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