I am in a somewhat frantic search for a new oncologist in time for my next infusion. I have some good recommendations but just need extra hours in the day to make it all happen. Initial appointments are long (for example, the one on Tuesday is for 2 hours)...so it is not a small undertaking seeing the doctors and making this decision on who I will partner with for my ongoing care. Dr. O was a no-brainer. People came from all over the country to see her. She was (is) one in a million and I will always hold her dear in my heart. I am completely confident that I will find a new wonderful doctor in the next 2 weeks.
I need help. I hope whoever my new doctor will be able to determine what is causing my ongoing muscle and joint pain. Dr. O felt like it was because of the complete estrogen depletion in my system. All I know is that, as usual, I am frustrated and impatient to feel better.
On to a happier topic/update. Our new home is absolutely incredible and beautiful and lovely. Sometimes I walk through it in shaking my head in awe thinking "I can't believe we live here". It is on a dead-end street so there are very few cars. There are trees and woods and nature everywhere around us. The neighbors are so friendly to me, the kids and the dogs. There are tons of kids on the street. The home has been completely updated so there is very little for us to do (comparatively...nothing like when I moved into my house in Dallas). I am very sorry for the people that sold it to us because I know they took a terrible loss on this home but the price we got this house for is astoundingly low.
And the BEST part is.......we are so close to Megan, Molly, Marty and the boys. Oscar and Angelica are in heaven having their aunts, uncle and cousins close. And I am totally loving it.
Here it is from the front. Pay no attention to the date stamp. Megan just took this photo. Meggie, let's get the date stamp fixed on your fancy camera.
Thank you all for this past year of love, support, kindness, caring and prayers. I know that there is no way I could have come this far without you. You all are my army and I am so grateful to you all. Dear Lord, thank you for all the gifts you have given me this year and always. My blessings are so great and I am humbled...truly.
Your house is beautiful, Maureen! I am so glad that you're settling in - and find a new place for your heart and soul to rest.
You continue to be in my heart and prayers every day!
Love, Rachel
Maureen...I know this move must have seemed overwhelming, but now that you are there, I just know everything will fall in place. I'll bet your sisters are just thrilled to have you there (what with your knowledge of changing dates on fancy cameras and all). I know you will find the perfect Dr. for you. I will pray for peace and patience as God continues to work in plan in you.
No...I can't believe it has been a year!!
Also...I LOVE your house. I know the best part is the "home" you have made it into.
Much love, Janet
It looks just beautiful and I love the picture of the tree that Meagan took for you. In no time all your trees will look like that. That is one thing that I wish we had more of here in Dallas. I love you and I know this is the best thing for you and the kids. Give Meagan and family a hug for me.
Wow! What a great home...I am thrilled for you and the kids! I know you will find the perfect Dr. there as well. Love and kisses!!!Brenda
We LOVE the new house! It looks perfect. It must have taken such strength to move, and now you've done it! Nice work Mama Mimi and many many blessings!
Leigh Kendra and Alex
Also, congrats on a whole year, YOU ARE SO BRAVE.
Leigh Kendra and Alex
Maureen! MICHIGAN!!! Wow. I ask you, what kind of friend drives past your house in order to find out that you have moved? Coleman has been asking me for the last two weeks if I have heard from you. I'll have to give him some credit for being psychic. He was really worrying. I was positive you and the kids had moved somewhere good. I love to be right. We are thinking of you and the kids, Maureen. I am happy for you to be in such a lovely home and near your family! Love to you all, Celise, Coleman and Leo
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