Wednesday, May 5, 2010

One year ago today...

It was exactly 1 year just about this time...that I was at the hospital for my surgery. I never could have fathomed the turns my life would take, at 43, to have been diagnosis with cancer. Then to have 8 months of chemo. Then to have such a prominent, important part of my body amputated. Then to bounce (no pun intended) back so quickly, emotionally and physically (thank you, God, so much!). Then to endure 12 more months of ongoing treatments, during which uprooting our life and moving to Michigan. Then to be wrapping up my very LAST chemo treatment on Monday, May 10th...yahoooo!

Whew..........what a whirlwind!!!

I am the luckiest, most blessed person alive to have had such an army of loving supporters with me every step of the way. And to have His hand on my shoulder every second, before and after this cancer stuff.

When I think about this time last year, what memory stands out the most was playing Scrabble in the hospital waiting room with Megan and Suzanne and lots of laughing. Not nervous laughter, just "you have to let me win" and I have to go to the bathroom AGAIN laughter. Then waking up with my sisters there with me.

All my memories are of the love I received. Not the pain or the fear. Does it get any better than that?!?!?!?!? Seriously!


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