Sunday, March 27, 2011

Part of the problem...

I think one of the other reasons I have not been posting as much lately is the volume of spam I get with each post. I feel like I am playing "Space Invaders" soon after each post (vintage arcade at its best, for those of you that don't know what I am talking about). I am picking off the SPAM messages as fast as they come in. Many are left in the comments area so please disregard. Hilary, for example, from Milan Escorts felt compelled to write about how great my site it. Wasn't that nice of her?

Have a great Sunday!



DFNY said...

Maureen, sounds like the reason you haven't posted lately is that LIFE is full, joyous and hectic. How wonderful is that?! I'm so glad for you and your children.

Love to you,

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today.. walked by your old home. Glad all is good. Miss you and my, your kiddos are growing so fast. Call next time you visit.. Take care and enjoy the Spring. Love, Christy

King said...

Me getting spams too!!! I don't know, what the managmenet is doing for that. Anyways, pay a visit to my blog to, i am uplaoding some cool wallpapers and other interesting stuff.

Marlee said...

I just stumbled across your blog. Hope all is going good! It's looks like you have a beautiful family! Right now I'm in college (and blogging about living on an EXTREMELY tight budget) but hopefully someday I can be as lucky as you!

D.Nambiar said...

I love your blog title. And...CONGRATULATIONS :)

About the spam, there's this feature that lets you moderate comments. (look into Comment settings) All the best.

vbn said...

nice blogg

Anonymous said...

you 'shore are busy, still have yourself as living in dallas when we all know you live in Antartica. Those spammers should pay you a visit there sometime !!!! xoxox mmm