Anyway, along with cultivating her vocabulary, she is also working on quite the buddha belly. She is rather rotund right around the middle. And it only adds to her perfect cuteness. In fact, she is proud of it and I just love that. She will rub it and I swear in her head she is making a wish. So this weekend she told me that she had a baby in her tummy. Oh my. An opportunity for me to practice the art of distraction. Later she told me she had baby Jesus in her tummy. Oh my. Then she felt the need to tell the cashier at Target who just looked at me like "Good luck with that".
I realize this is a great parenting opportunity. But I keep coming up blank. She is 3 years old. Any idea, you guys? I am open to all suggestions.
Here she is in all her glory (sucking her tummy in).

Just tell her okay and move on. Connor still tells me that he has a baby in his tummy. I say okay and move on. He's happy. Then Jeremy goes into his "only girls get to have babies" speech and you can tell it just takes all the joy right off Connor's face. Just let her be. There is a lot of time later for long explainations and reality.
Love you...Kellie
You are SO getting payback! I bet mom is just laughing her fanny off right now!!!
I'll take that buddha belly hand-on-your-hip cuteness any day... she is pure Joy...I mean, how couldn't you be when you have Jesus growing in your tummy!
On those days that you feel most challenged, take out the photos of her from a year and a half ago (the ones where she looks completely miserable) and remind yourself how much she has blossomed in your home. I only wish we lived so that I could see her hand-on-her-hips-you-know-nothing-mother and laugh my fanny off, too!
love you~
Love the crocs on backwards, and the beautiful smile:)
I love the fact that her shoes are on the wrong foot. V does the same thing. It's a 50/50 thing and she seems to get it wrong way more than not! Well V just had a baby today that came out of her tummy too. It went right into the stroller and they went for a walk! I just ignore it or say congratulations!
I am not sure I could have laughed any more at this story, Maureen! How funny--thanks for sharing the laugh.
Lori N.
That is so cute. I always called those "frog bellies". They all seem to have that cute round tummy at that age. I love frog bellies!! She will certainly keep you and Oscar on your toes.
Love you...Janet
Maureen, she is so stinking cute. I love the hats and gloves!! She has the most amazing smile... it just lights up her face.
I think you and I are in trouble with our girls.... its never to late to leave them with Kyle and head for Mexico!! Love you
BTW- If she does give birth to Jesus, can you put in a good word for me. HA
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