So back to hat shopping. I have been looking around but after lunch Carrie and I decided to get serious about it. Baseball caps are great but what if I actually go somewhere and wear something other than sweatpants? I would be stuck. I am definitely closer to Captain Stubing than my old self....for now...temporarily.
So we drive around to a couple places and try on hats. Carrie would put on a hat, tug it down snug and it would look great. She would hand it to me and I would put it on...and it would literally fall down to my chin. Turns out I have the world's smallest head. Just one more thing I have in common with the sauropod. I suspected as much when Oscar and I share sunglasses but I truly had no idea just how small my head is. No matter what hat she put on, she looked like either Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's or Diane Keaton in Annie Hall. And no matter what hat I tried on I looked like a robber...or a gangsta'...or an elf...or a 4 year old playing dress-up. We laughed our head's off. And then her husband called on her cell and suggested we try Baby Gap or the American Girl store. More peels of laughter! What a fun time....thank you Carrie. I love you!!
p.s. Target had the best hats and prices in case you too suffer from a tiny head.
p.s.s. Oscar and I this morning ... notice the similar cranial circumference ?

I love that you have such wonderful friends and family! I wish you didn't have to be going through this mess, but at least you are surrounded by so many people who love and care about you--and that see you as YOU and still laugh together, even though you don't look like the same you right now. Did that even make sense? I hope you know what I'm trying to say, even though I seem to have no idea how to say it--and by the way, I think it's cool that you have a small head! No wonder your mom could have lots of kids! hee hee
Lordy mercy, you are hysterical-- Thank you for sharing the laughs!! We love you and can't wait to see your head--and hats!!
PS. Shelly is about to start her marathon this A.M., and I know your strength will help her get it done today! We keep talking about what a MAJOR inspiration you are... We're so grateful for you, you'll just never know. You are winning and we are cheering you ON!! HUGS - Chris
Hi Maureen,
Ack..I fell behind on a couple of blog entries. I was almost in a panic when I logged on and saw you had written two new entries. Whew...I'm all caught up now.
I am so moved by your writing and also by your friends and family. Wow! What a testimonial to YOU.
You are right. We all have so much to be thankful for. Water! Who would have thought that "water" would be something to be thankful for.
I love Oscar's sweet spirit. I know you are just brimming (I couldn't think of another word) with pride, as well you should be.
God is good!! I pray that you have a great day tomorrow.
Love, Janet
You look absolutely fabulous in your hat!! It is so great you had a great friend and lots of laughs trying to shop for those hats. Wish I would have known...I could have gotten you great hats from the street vendors :)
Glad you are feeling better....and that you are kind of getting your routine together on knowing how many days etc.
I got my boobies "adjusted" and the extra weight off of my fractured ribs. The surgery went great and I am now home healing. My Sister and dear friend Kim saved me the first few days were rough. Friends and family are amazing....Ralei, my little fella, is in and out playing and staying so I can rest and he does not jump on my chest etc.....I know he cannot wait this is my prayer that the 8th surgery will be my last and he says it is our last and no more Doctors Mama can we stop going to Doctors??? He has been a champ, but I know he is weary as am I......but we are here fists up are doing great!! I know what you mean about being able to be the one will get there...:)Just accept the love, you give so much back to those whom are giving in ways they area able....!
Fists up and your little cuties are in my prayers daily!! Take good care of yourself and just think how far along you will be a year from does make such a difference having been in good health prior to Cancer(go figure)....keep your laughter and God's arms around you and yours.
I am proud of you!!! JoAnna
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