Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time Management 101

Sometimes when I visit my favorite blogs I feel cheated that they are not updated. I am NOT presuming that I am a favorite blog of any of you. But I know you come here to check on me (for which I am forever grateful!) and it has been awfully quiet.

I feel like somehow some invisible force is siphoning off hours of my day. It is all I can do each day to get done what I need to do. But it is because I am in a tangle with a health issue that is taking a lot of my time. I am hoping to have resolution (or at least more info) very by the end of next week, God willing.

I am sorry if this sounds all "cloak and dagger". I am not trying to be secretive but would rather post when I know for sure that all is well and I can share THAT great news with you.

In the meantime, what do you think Oddie is thinking in this picture? I just love it. He is such a sweet dog.



Janet Burke said...

Yes, checking in and thinking of you. Look at the color of those eyes!

wvamom said...

Maureen, We have missed hearing from you! Praying for good news for you. Carolyn

Janice Jorgensen said...

Mimi! Do I detect traces of guilt for not posting! Nonesense! The guilt is all mine for not calling to find out what's going on. It sounds like you are focused on some big issues right now, and I have fingers crossed that all is well. Always thinking of you. --Janice.

Janet said...

Guess What? THis is my favorite blog. Seriously! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I think Odie is thinking "I am the luckiest dog ever!!"
Much Love, Janet

aunt chele said...

i think odie is thinking, "finally...there are creatures even shorter and fluffier than me in the house now."

nah...he told me he's so grateful to live in such an amazing new house and huge yard that he just needs to stop and reflect on his happiness.

love you all ~~