Steve Jobs...what a loss. I thought this tribute was really nice...albeit heartbreaking.
Universe Dented, Grass Underfoot
Thursday, 6 October 2011
by John Gruber
After the WWDC keynote four months ago, I saw Steve, up close.
He looked old. Not old in a way that could be measured in years or even decades, but impossibly old. Not tired, but weary; not ill or unwell, but rather, somehow, ancient. But not his eyes. His eyes were young and bright, their weapons-grade intensity intact. His sweater was well-worn, his jeans frayed at the cuffs.
But the thing that struck me were his shoes, those famous gray New Balance 993s. They too were well-worn. But also this: fresh bright green grass stains all over the heels.
Those grass stains filled my mind with questions. How did he get them? When? They looked fresh, two, three days old, at the most. Apple keynote preparation is notoriously and unsurprisingly intense. But not so intense, those stains suggested, as to consume the entirety of Jobs’s days. There is no grass in Moscone West.
Surely, my mind raced, surely he has more than one pair of those shoes. He could afford to buy the factory that made them. Why wear this grass-stained pair for the keynote, a rare and immeasurably high-profile public appearance? My guess: he didn’t notice, didn’t care. One of Jobs’s many gifts was that he knew what to give a shit about. He knew how to focus and prioritize his time and attention. Grass stains on his sneakers didn’t make the cut.
Late last night, long hours after the news broke that he was gone, my thoughts returned to those grass stains on his shoes back in June. I realize only now why they caught my eye. Those grass stained sneakers were the product of limited time, well spent. And so the story I’ve told myself is this:
I like to think that in the run-up to his final keynote, Steve made time for a long, peaceful walk. Somewhere beautiful, where there are no footpaths and the grass grows thick. Hand-in-hand with his wife and family, the sun warm on their backs, smiles on their faces, love in their hearts, at peace with their fate
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
So proud........yeah Michigan!!!

If you can't see it above, click here:
Sunday, July 31, 2011
My birthday
Today is my birthday. Thank you all who wished me happy birthday on Facebook. I am really bad at FB. I wish I could says thanks to each of you for the warm wishes.
This is what I woke up to this morning. A flower from the garden and a message cut from paper (their version of a banner) on the kitchen table from my kids.
I just doesn't get any better. I love my life. Thank you, God, for another birthday and for my truly blessed life.

This is what I woke up to this morning. A flower from the garden and a message cut from paper (their version of a banner) on the kitchen table from my kids.
I just doesn't get any better. I love my life. Thank you, God, for another birthday and for my truly blessed life.

It's not a tooo-mah!
Hi all -
Sorry for the oh-so-very lazy nature of this blog. I am constantly thinking about create a keepsake of a funny something, or to share a story, or to tell you about the news of us Moons'. But then life happens and I get distracted. Part of the problem is, I think, that I don't have a very easy/convenient way to get pictures off my camera and into the www.
I did have a scare but I will tell you right now that the pathology came back fine. I will also preface this by saying that I do not want to ever be one of those people who is unduly preoccupied with personal health and believes that illness is nearly always present or imminent. Really, I strongly dislike all the drama.
Anywho, a couple months ago I felt a hard little lump in my neck. It did not away and maybe gotten slightly bigger. It was closer to my jaw than my collarbone. It didn't hurt. It’s wasn't tender. It was just a hard little bump, like a hard pea under my skin. It was on the right side, same side as my BC. I am blessed to have a brother-in-law (Donald, many of you know) that is a magnificent doctor!! He is an Otorhinolaryngology surgeon …an ENT but the long word is more fun to say. :) He is in another state so he referred me to a doctor near me that he has known and respected for 20 years. After some due diligence, it was recommended that I get a biopsy.
Nothing about cutting my neck sounded quick or easy. Seems to me, as a lay person, that there is a LOT of important stuff in there. It was a really tough decision to get the biopsy but I am glad I did because I have such peace now.
And, oh my gosh, The Great Healer has blessed me with a body that heals remarkably fast. The first picture below is of the day after the surgery. The second is 5 days later. I also had a talented surgeon. It's all good!!

Sorry for the oh-so-very lazy nature of this blog. I am constantly thinking about create a keepsake of a funny something, or to share a story, or to tell you about the news of us Moons'. But then life happens and I get distracted. Part of the problem is, I think, that I don't have a very easy/convenient way to get pictures off my camera and into the www.
I did have a scare but I will tell you right now that the pathology came back fine. I will also preface this by saying that I do not want to ever be one of those people who is unduly preoccupied with personal health and believes that illness is nearly always present or imminent. Really, I strongly dislike all the drama.
Anywho, a couple months ago I felt a hard little lump in my neck. It did not away and maybe gotten slightly bigger. It was closer to my jaw than my collarbone. It didn't hurt. It’s wasn't tender. It was just a hard little bump, like a hard pea under my skin. It was on the right side, same side as my BC. I am blessed to have a brother-in-law (Donald, many of you know) that is a magnificent doctor!! He is an Otorhinolaryngology surgeon …an ENT but the long word is more fun to say. :) He is in another state so he referred me to a doctor near me that he has known and respected for 20 years. After some due diligence, it was recommended that I get a biopsy.
Nothing about cutting my neck sounded quick or easy. Seems to me, as a lay person, that there is a LOT of important stuff in there. It was a really tough decision to get the biopsy but I am glad I did because I have such peace now.
And, oh my gosh, The Great Healer has blessed me with a body that heals remarkably fast. The first picture below is of the day after the surgery. The second is 5 days later. I also had a talented surgeon. It's all good!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Part of the problem...
I think one of the other reasons I have not been posting as much lately is the volume of spam I get with each post. I feel like I am playing "Space Invaders" soon after each post (vintage arcade at its best, for those of you that don't know what I am talking about). I am picking off the SPAM messages as fast as they come in. Many are left in the comments area so please disregard. Hilary, for example, from Milan Escorts felt compelled to write about how great my site it. Wasn't that nice of her?
Have a great Sunday!
Have a great Sunday!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I have been completely MIA. So sorry. I came up for air tonight, as Angelica is tortuing the kitties and Oscar's playing X-box with a friend. I logged on and saw I still had the "Noel" theme background...and, holy cow, has it been a while since I posted! Or even logged on for that matter.
I have been so busy at work and what a blessing that is!
Anyway, I saw this and had to share!
I have been so busy at work and what a blessing that is!
Anyway, I saw this and had to share!
Monday, February 7, 2011
You guys will not believe this...! Tom Daldin, the host of the video in my last post, was walking in downtown Rochester and was hit by a car. Such a sad story...but thank goodness he is okay. But isn't that weird?!?!? The show had not even aired yet when we was hit. Crazy!
Here is the story:
p.s. I feel bad for calling him goofy.
Here is the story:
p.s. I feel bad for calling him goofy.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Rochester...under the radar...
I love our little town! It was just featured on PBS. Kinda long, kinda goofy host...but it's neat to see our town on TV. If you want nothing else, fast forward to 13:58 to see the light show!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
We were eating breakfast this morning and Angelica, as per the usual, make me laugh so hard that milk nearly came outta my nose.
I was very hungry and wolfing down pancakes. I didn't realize she was quietly watching me, but when I turned to look at her she said -totally serious, "Hey....slow down, little pokey".

I was very hungry and wolfing down pancakes. I didn't realize she was quietly watching me, but when I turned to look at her she said -totally serious, "Hey....slow down, little pokey".

Sunday, January 9, 2011
What a way to start this Lord's day!
I woke this morning to feel a warm little snuggler next to me in my bed. Angelica came in my room at some time during the night, which I just love. It doesn't happen very often so I don't worry about it. I know there will come a day when she won't want to anymore so I cherish those warm, wonderful snuggle times.
And then came the sound of boys laughter from Oscar's room down the hall. Oscar had one of his best buddies here for a sleep over. They stayed up too late, ate too much junk food and giggled until past 11:00. Pure fun!
And then I walked into the kitchen to see a doe (a deer...a female deer...) right outside my window. She was around last night too. She just looked up, wiggled her tail and went back to eating. I am amazed at the size of the deer here. The deer in Texas were mostly mule deer....and were about the size of large dogs. The white tail deer around here are huge.....huge! I guess it comes from eating all my shrubs.
And then I looked up to see my crab apple tree covered in Goldfinch and other bright songbirds. I think there were even some Orioles, although that wouldn't make sense this deep in a Michigan winter. Anyway, the crab apples didn't drop because we had such a warm fall. So the tree is covered with these birds snacking. It was so gorgeous!!!
I hope you each experience something beautiful today too.
Thank you, Lord, for this glorious day!
And then came the sound of boys laughter from Oscar's room down the hall. Oscar had one of his best buddies here for a sleep over. They stayed up too late, ate too much junk food and giggled until past 11:00. Pure fun!
And then I walked into the kitchen to see a doe (a deer...a female deer...) right outside my window. She was around last night too. She just looked up, wiggled her tail and went back to eating. I am amazed at the size of the deer here. The deer in Texas were mostly mule deer....and were about the size of large dogs. The white tail deer around here are huge.....huge! I guess it comes from eating all my shrubs.
And then I looked up to see my crab apple tree covered in Goldfinch and other bright songbirds. I think there were even some Orioles, although that wouldn't make sense this deep in a Michigan winter. Anyway, the crab apples didn't drop because we had such a warm fall. So the tree is covered with these birds snacking. It was so gorgeous!!!
I hope you each experience something beautiful today too.
Thank you, Lord, for this glorious day!
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