I haven't been blogging much because, as I am sure you guessed, I have felt like do do...or is it due due...or dew dew.....? Okay, I have felt lousy. My digestion issues have been awful and have been losing more weight and have just felt low. I know you guys wouldn't mind and would love me even if I indulged in a whine-fest but I would rather come out here and share when I feel good. Besides, it takes energy which I haven't had. With that being said.....
My meds have officially started kicking my rear. The hardest part has been the pills I take every night. Now that my body knows what they are going to do to it, it revolts each time I try to swallow them. lol I just have to gag them down. But I got GOOD NEWS yesterday. I am on another break. No pills until further notice. They are going to check me out thoroughly on Monday or Tuesday and see if I can start again. And when I do they will be dose reducing me again. I am not worried about the effectiveness of my treatment with these breaks because I think they have already done a great job. And it cannot be good for me to not be able to keep anything in. I have lost another 6 pounds. I remember when my mom was real sick and she was so thin. She would say that she was sorry for ever complaining about being a little bit overweight. That is how I feel now.
On the other hand, I am so grateful and proud of my strong body and how well it has handled the barrage of meds and assaults. I know it sounds like I am talking outta both sides of my mouth because of the digestion issues. But what I am talking about is how well I have done not getting the gunk that is everywhere: flus, colds, sinus infections, etc. No doubt chemo lowers all your blood counts. And I have fared very well. But now I have a chest cold. I have no voice….laryngitis. No question emotional strain just undoes any work I have been doing trying to bolster my immune system. Crying over Zoey seemed to trigger all this chest yuck. However, in just a day I feel like it is on its way out. Thanks Marc and Julie for getting me NyQuil last night.
On a funny and sweet note, Oscar has such a special way of dealing with his grief. The other night he went into the closet and got all our past dogs collars out (including Zoey's), along with all their tags. He slept with them in his bed last night. This morning, Angelica put every single one on Oddie. Poor puppy could barely walk.

Maureen, I always get worried when you don't blog for a couple fo days. You have been through alot and then to lose your little puppy...it doesn't seem fair! I am just so sorry and know that the grief was horrible. Time just keeps marching on, doesn't it? God has a plan, and when you are through this trial, I know God has a job for you. I continue to lift you, your whole family and your whole medical team up in prayer. I hope, in some small way, it helps you and makes you feel stronger to know that so many people are praying for you and thinking about you constantly. I am always here for you.
Much Love, Janet
poor little odie......
he has some HUGE paws to fill, doesn't he?
i love you mimi......
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