Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dr. Carpenter and assorted other news

I met with Dr. Carpenter. I don't think he gets me (my personality or sense of humor). He did laugh at one point. But mostly he just cocked his head and stared at me. We do have a good plan once I can have my surgery after chemo. He and Dr. Grant will work closely during my process. I will tell you that I am in GREAT hands. He may have a dry personality but the man is, by all accounts, a genius!

Nancy at Dr. Grant's office called me this morning to let me know she has an appointment confirmed for me with Dr. O'Shaughnessy, the oncologist, on Thursday at 4:00. I know I always say this but I WILL know lots more on Thursday, like when they will put my port in, when I will have my first chemo, what my chemo schedule will be, if I will have radiation therapy or not, what support I will have for my immune system as I go through chemo....lots of good information.

On a side note, I have decided I should not be driving a car. I nearly took on the Light Rail this morning. I would have lost. And I wore my shirt inside out to the doctor's office. How am I doing? LOL



Anonymous said...

Maureen; I am so happy you continue to make us laugh even in this awful situation. My oncologist sounds the same personality as yours. Someone told me "she will not hold your hand and cry with you, however she will save your life" thats all that matters. You have all of your friends and family to hold your hand. Hang in there sister. Love Barbara

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Mimi,

You amaze me! Thank you for your detailed updates, for the comic relief, and for the courage you are demonstrating to all of your family and friends. Interesting how WE should be doing for you, but you continue to do for US. My favorite comment (besides Oscar laughing and the purple wig, which is a classic!) is how God is teaching you patience while you are a patient -- that is awesome!

Sending you love from all the prayer warriors at my church - I look forward to your next update. Please give big smooches to Oscar and Angelica, and then make them give you one from me.

I love you.


Anonymous said...

Great point Barbara- i always heard the best doctors are not the ones you want to have a beer with.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I have starting saying rosaries for you during yoga. Does that count since I technically am not holding the rosary :)

Just a little humor for the cafeteria catholics.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen,

Sounds like you've got everything moving along perfectly. Dr. Carpenter is probably just a little shy. He'll warm up!!

Lewis has a port and it's been in now for a couple of months. It doesn't bother him at all. Ask your doctor about Glad Press N Seal. It's amazing stuff. You tear off a piece and it will stick to your skin while you shower. Then you just carefully peal it off after. Keeps it all dry. Works like a charm.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Girl-Can I tell you how many times I have gone out with my shirt inside out the past few years.....you are not alone this I know you have figured out!!

Remember asks lots of questions today and have someone with you or bring a little recorder b/c you will want to go back to the info. over and over!! I am glad you have good Doc's. My oncologists is a great lady....we laugh through all my appts over the past almost 3 years no matter how sick or bald I was....she thinks I am a little nuts....it is the best way to be, in my opinion. Keep yourself up.....fists up....JoAnna

Anonymous said...

Regarding port....it is a simple process mine bothered me the first month but not anything serious. My port was taken out 1 year ago.....what a happy day.

When you use your port....get a tube of lidocane a good drug store will have it and put it on 45 minutes before chemo or blood work whenever you will be accessing your port and put a little piece of plastic over it....it makes the process much easier when the nurses or lab tech's access the port...you hardly feel it...I never had problems accessing my port thank goodness...I am certain this is how you will be...we are strong!!

Keep it up.....you are inspiring many and lessons are learned through all things.....this I know for certain. :) JoAnna