And then something happened earlier this week that reminded me of somethink that happened a couple months ago. After a fun Moons Family Outing to the Farmer's Market, I told Oscar to get in the shower. I was on the phone in the other room but I heard him sneaking into the kitchen. Kids always think they are so stealth-like. But he was wet from the shower so not only did I hear the squish of his feet, but I could follow the wet footprints from the bathroom into the kitchen. I was actually about to get cross at him but, when I pulled back the shower curtain, here is what I found:
He was sneaking more lettuce...! So funny. So what happened yesterday is he was negotiating with me for a treat. He said "If I eat 10 carrots can I have some more of those little brown things? Ya' know, the brown things with white inside". I could not figure out what he was talking about. My sick mind went to Ding-Dongs (although we do not have any of those in the house but I still dream about He went and got them for me. He was talking about raw almonds.
Now, Angelica, that is a whole other story.......
Today is going to be a GREAT day and I will be on my way to getting better!!
just a short note to all the beautiful people sharing love here for maureen, our way too quick -witted and fast footed sister that we will never catch up with, boobs or not.....your words of love are an immeasurable source of comfort to her five sisters. it's quite impossible to describe just how much. just know that the love and support and wisdom you are sharing with maureen is coming back at you five-fold.
in deepest gratitude,
mary beth, michele, molly, suzanne and megan moons
Girl...I got your back at 4:00 today. I will stop everything I am doing and send you positive thoughts and say a prayer. Of course, there will be back ground noise since the boys will be home. Darnit...they are too big to strap in a high chair and go pray in the bedroom :-) Not that I would have ever done anything like that! You are working your plan now.
Your babies are so sweet! I love that picture of Oscar eating a lettuce leaf in the tub.
Love you,
Maureen, it's a little after 4:00 and I stopped in the kitchen at the stove and had my eyes closed as I was praying that God would guide you and the Dr. to the best plan and that you would have peace in your heart. When I opened my eyes, Sam and Dylan were looking at me. Sam said "what are you doing?". I told him I was praying for my friend who was sick. Then Dylan broke our in his own little prayer. He said " Dear God, please make Mommies friend better so she can come over to our house and pray". There you have it. You have to come over and play now.
Love, Janet
Hey chica,
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and sending you lots of positive thoughts. I know that you are a strong woman and that you will beat this. Don't hesitate to reach out to all of your friends near and far to help you. Remember, you don't have to do everything yourself. :)
Love and good thoughts from Virginia,
Hi Maureen
That story about Oscar is priceless. My two boys Drew and Dylan(ages 7 and 8) got busted this morning thanks to the online school cafeteria report...little sneaks have been eating boat loads of junk food at school in addition to the lunches/breakfast I make...
Thinking of you often...You are doing an amazing job!
Hi Maureen,
This is Lisa, Linda's friend...not sure you remember me, but I know you and D-O-G =)
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this!! My prayers are with you always!
Keep up your sense of makes ME laugh to read your blog...and yes, I think you are doing JUST FINE considering!!!
If you need a sitter...and I DO mean this...Katie and I would be happy to assist! We'll drag Ben and Graham along and make it a play date! Just give us the word!
HUGS to you!! Hang in there! YOU have LOTS to live for =)
Lisa Fox
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