The other side of the “Mimi sandwich” is Suzanne. (By the way, Mimi is my family nickname. Please don’t tell anyone)
Suzanne, Megan and I are the bottom 3 Moons girls. Suzanne is the next older from me. She is a totally devoted mother and wife. And it is reflected in her awesome family. One of my big hopes in life is that Oscar grows up to be the kind of young men that Douglas (15) and A.J. (12), my nephews, are. Suzanne and Donald have done an amazing job raising two very nice kids. Suzanne, her awesome husband Donald and their boys live in Florida. You have heard me mention Donald before. He is a surgeon and helps me navigate the gobs of information coming at me on a regular basis.
Growing up one of the family jokes was that everyone called her Caboosy Suzy, being she had the only non-M name of the girls. She was supposed to be the last child and named after my mom. She could make my mom laugh no matter what the situation was. All she had to do was use her “Ricky Bearse” voice to get out of any kind of trouble!
Suzanne is also a totally devoted sister. She cares so much about me. I can hear it in her voice when we speak. And she calls and writes all the time to make sure I am doing okay. And she lets me win at Scrabble. Seriously, she rocks as a sister. I love you so much, Suzanne.
This photo of Suzy and I is from Megan’s big 40 birthday.
Maureen, thank you for sharing so much about your phenomenal family. Wow. It's no wonder you are who you are. You continue to inspire and amaze us all. I know you won't feel like it some days, but we do hope you keep writing and sharing as much as possible... It's wonderful to read all the comments, too. What a fan club you have.
Cancer schmancer. It doesn't stand a chance.
Chris & Shelly
Hi Maureen...I am getting ready to put Sam and Dylan to bed and we will have you in our prayers (remember..they want you to get better so you can come over and play with us). Oscar and Angelica are so very lucky to have such a strong Momma.
Love, Janet
Goodnight Maureen, just like Janet we all have you in our prayers. Sleep tight.
Hey Maureen -
I feel out of touch - havent been on the blog for a couple of days. Sounds like you are doing well. I was disappointed to see I missed that birthday cake (good thing, there would not have been much left for little Angelica).
Sleep tight!
Hey Mo,
Its so fun hearing about how much you love your sisters. I know they feel the same way about you. You are a lucky girl to have so much support from your girls.
Happy Halloween. Kisses to you, Oscar and Angelica.
Love ya,
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