My mom, Suzanne, was a strong woman who instilled wonderful values and ethics on her children. She had a terrific sense of humor and many friends to share her laughter with. Although she was the disciplinarian of the family, there was no doubt how much she loved her girls! When she died she had one request: that her daughters take good care of each other. In fact, her Will basically said "split everything girls will figure it out". And we did and we have. We have always pulled together strongly during times of adversity in our lives. Right now is a shining example. My sisters have circled the wagons and are caring for me like a pack of momma bears. I am so lucky.
My dad, Bob, was a patient and kind man...after all, he had to be with 7 women in the house! He would tell people "We had a male dog but the damn thing ran away". The family joke growing up was that when he was upset (a rarity), he would go around the house and put all the toilet seats up. We never expected that in a house full of females. He loved bragging about his girls to anybody who would listen...telling of their accomplishments and journeys throughout the country & world. He was a devoted son to my grandmother, visiting her several times a week when she was in a nursing home. He loved to whistle, play cribbage and act as Mr. Fix-it when he came to visit me in Texas.
I have 5 sisters. Each of them is incredible in their own, beautiful, strong, funny, intelligent, brave, wonderful! They are all my heroes. We are like a unit, a single item...the "Moons girls". What an incredible gift to be a part of this 6-pack. My life is so rich because of it.
My sister Megan and I have always been closest, probably partially due to the fact that we are the Moons "cabooses", coming at the tail end of 6 daughters to Bob and Suzanne Moons. We are actually twins except we were born 15 months apart.
It is nearly impossible to describe Megan but I am going to do my best.
I am moved daily by my sister, Megan. She was just here for a week, leaving her husband and kids and busy schedule back in Michigan. It was an amazing week. I think the most amazing part was all the laughter. These past 7 or 8 days could have sucked...really been a bummer. I have been poked, prodded, stuck, palpated, examined, stitched and glued more in the past several days than in all my 32 years (ha ha). Megan being here has meant jokes (not "why did the chicken cross the road" kind but more improv, funny exchanges...sometimes even with strangers). It has meant laughter, kindness, peace, calm, nurturing, competition (see photo below...she won and didn't even cheat) and just pure enjoyment. Megan being here meant laughter with the surgeon and post-op nursing staff. Megan being here has meant the smell of glorious homemade soup throughout the house. Megan being here has meant loving, gentle, patient reinforcement for my kids. Megan being here meant a reprieve from the fear.
One of the big jokes in our family is that Dad loved Megan best. It was even a part of his eulogy. And it was true. They had a special bond. He even delivered Megan in the front seat of the family car.
Megan is so grounded. She is so real and true. That is the kind of person Megan is. She is just a joy to be around. She makes it easy!
I love you with all my heart, Megan. Thank you for being here with me.

8 comments: have moved me to tears! How lucky you all are to have each other. It is evident that they have circled the wagons and are carrying this burden along with you. Amazing. We continue to lift you and your family up in our prayers each day. We also lift up the surgeons and nursing staff that God guides them every step of the way.
Love, Janet
Beautifully said...
love, Jane
Oh Maureen. How wonderful to learn more about The Moons family. I hope today was a good day for you.
I have been thinking of you.....
Hi MiMi,
Right on about what you wrote about Megan! I would have to agree with you totally. 100% (My kids want to know why I am not as fun as Auntie Megan!) You obviously had a lively childhood in an upbeat home.
Barbara Grattan
Still thinking about you Mimi. And we love Megan too!
Leigh and Kendra
It is working, it is working....sometimes with Chemo you feel worse days later.....this is a great position you are in with the med.....fear is so natural...I am 1 yr 3 months and 4 days in remission and it trickles in each day....but really, not just about all the cancer and treatment etc. Fear about so many things right?? Just work your way through it and keep feeling all the postive energy and the many prayers being sent above for you and your family....every one is pulling for keep pulling too....thinking about you....cancer sucks....fists up we will never give up!!! :) JoAnna
ps...the beauty of a family that figures it out.....leave it to the ladies.....go MOONS go!! All we need is love!
It doesn't surprise me, Maureen, that your sister Megan is so amazing. She simply reminds me of YOU!!!
Always thinking of you, Angelica, Oscar, and the dogs-
Julie, Marc, Sydney and Izzy
don't let anyone fool you.
maureen is a wickedly talented scrabbler, but the truth is that
megan cheats at scrabble. how else would she manage to get every single red, triple point square on the board every single time she plays???!!!
something smells fishy to me too !
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