Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2009 is full of health and happiness for all of us! Honestly, it is already off to a good start. The weather has been beautiful. We had an incredible visit with my sister, Molly, who was here to help me for 2 weeks...taking time out of her own life and her work to be here to help me. Incredible! The kids are healthy. School starts back on Monday. Oddie has not peed or pooped in the house for a week. lol Life is GOOD!

I am trying to really listen to my body. Sometimes it screams loud and clear and other times I have to listen closer. I am tired...really tired. Naps truly are my savior. I have never been a napper. In fact, normally I cannot sit still for more than 4 minutes, as those of you who know me best can attest. But now I can lay down in my bed and zonk out for hours at a time...right in the middle of the day! And it sends me other messages too that are impossible to ignore and I will spare you those details. The medications are plentiful to help me deal with my discomfort. And the most important thing is that I am A-okay...heart and soul, mind and body! I am not as "medically fragile" (I think that is such an interesting term, especially since I am an adult) as they predicted I would be by my 3rd infusion. I am doing really well. And I am so very grateful!!



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. You and family are allways in the part of my mind saved for people you love. Your thinking who is that crazy/ Barts mom. Pat

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are doing so well!!!!


Susie said...

I'm so glad you're doing well. Rest as much as you need to--this may be the only time in the next, oh, say 15 or so years that you CAN rest!

Anonymous said...

It is great your year started with everything going better, specially your health, we are sure is going to be better and better each day, we love you guys sooooo much, beatiful pictures of the kids, hugs and kisses,

Liza and Jandy

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy "Moonies" and it is going to be good. It is so good to sound your spirit resolute through your blog....sometimes treatments do become easier as they go on, everyone is different, I found it was easier I had my little "plan" and became very dear friends with one of my nurses so we dished and would share take out from somewhere almost each time...before my meds would kick in and my face dropped into my really was quite humorous everyone could see it coming and I would be like "no no a lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttleeeeeeeee bonk...gone", I had the extra year of herceptin infusion after my first hardcore chemo so it was what is was....I am glad things are going that way for you. Your kiddos look so beautiful in the next post I am glad you have had lovely weather to have some fun outside just turned very cold here in AR-Kansas:) today!! Fists up sweet lady and you rest listen to that body overdoing it does NO ONE ANY GOOD....I am also still in that learning curve it is hard when you are use to movin and shakin, it will come....things are now just as they should, peace, love,the greatest amount of health and blessings in 2009!!!! JoAnna & Ralei

Carol's Biggest Fan said...

Well done, Maureen... and Happy New Year! Keep up the good fight-- and you better take advantage of those naps while you can. Once this whole ordeal is passed and you are back to normality, you'll probably find it much harder to find the time!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! You are amazing. 2009 will be a MOMENTOUS year--the year you kicked cancer's a**!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

maureen...........well, welcome finally to the inner ranks of the connoisseur nappers, the moons family.

grandpa moons was the most
eloquent napper in the world, and
dare i tell the wide world of your loving supporters that whilst he was off in la-la land you were sitting next to him sucking your thumb and using his necktie as a silky??!!!! we have the pics to prove it ~~

this is one crappy way to learn, i'll say, but it's a good way to break into the art, a great skill to use as you charge through and come out a victor.

imagine, a guilt-free mebership ... you have earned your stripes to forever grab a snuggly and go far, far away for 20!!

so i put up a vote to formally induct you into the "nappers and proud of it" gang tout de suite!

big kiss for you, anjelica & oscar