Michele is here with us again, which is glorious. One thing Michele and I both enjoy (in addition to fabulous kid time) is watching the dogs wrestle and play. It is very therapeutic for me. They are hysterical. Oddie is 5 months old and rules the roost. Crazy as this may sound, he takes the pressure off all of us because he wears Scruffy out! Scruffy is a young dog himself and full of energy. Anywho, if I knew then what I know now, I would NOT have a puppy that is an additional expense and more work. But, I am tellin' ya, when he is not peeing and pooping in the house, he is such a good dog.
Here are the 4 legged buddies.

And here are the 2 legged buddies. :)

Oh so good to hear from you. Remember wrap that blanket around you when you go for your chemo. That way you will feel all the love and hugs that went into the blanket.
Keep smiling and call me if you need to,
Oh I love the 4 and 2 legged buddies you have.....so cute
Love Barbara xoxoxox
It has become a daily ritual to read your blog, Maureen. It is something special to be able to inspire others; but it is something exponentially more special to be able to inspire others regardless of your personal circumstance. I am awed by your courage and candor.
Hi Maureen. It was good to get your update. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better than you expected. Always know that we are lifting you up in our prayers daily. I will pray for God to continue to wrap you in His arms and give you peace.
Love, Janet
Scruffy, my soul mate!!... Thank you for this update, Maureen. Lots and lots of love and HUGS - Chris
How are you today.....hope your day was good.
Thinking of you,
Good night, sleep tight
Love Barbara xoxoxo
your kids and dogs are sooooo cute! I heart angelica's goggles
Had you and family in thoughts and prayers...hope you are doing well from the past chemo....fists up Gal we are all on your side....I am so glad your Sister is with you and the Calendar rocks...we did not have that when I was in the depth of my treatments....but lots of love and help!!
I do have a question...why are they pulling tissue several times since they have the DX and treatment set?? Just curious. I had biopsy and mastectomy....then I did chemo and rads and continued herceptin for a year.....tykerb adds a new deminsion...I mean I am so glad you are in the clinical...we did mastectomy w/out trying to shrink b/c my IDC in tissue was not even expected to be there we thought only DCIS infiltrated, but YIKES 2mm of IDC, but was also in nodes...can you believe that little amount of invasive cancer and already in the nodes....and more invasive in nodes than in breast.....CANCER is a strange and undefinable demon. You are doing fantastic and God is with you and all your 2 and 4 legged loves. hugs hugs hugs...rest and take care of yourself whatever it takes to feel your best. Visualize that cancer being shrunk up to nothing and cancer cells being eaten and defeated by your strong healthy cells...peace of mind is one of your best weapons. Huge hugs...I remember. JoAnna
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