Sunday, November 2, 2008

Two songs that I still just love...

But you have to be real careful with both of them 'cuz they will make you weep in chuch.

They are not new but I love 'em!

"I am not skilled to understand, what God has willed, what God has planned..."

"...Or to my knees will I fall."


p.s. Sorry about the somewhat depressing video on "I Can Only Imagine". Didn't remember it to be so sad. The song just moves me, that's all. Happy faces, people! :)


Jane said...

Great selections of two great songs, Mo...and a couple of my favs! Good night prayers goin' your way. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mo-
I love those songs. I think Kyle put one if not both on your iPod. They remind me of when you, Scott, Lisa and I used to go to church on Sundays and hold hands and cry during those songs. Somethings never chcnge; I still cry only I hold Kyle's hand now. HA
Kisses sweet girl... No fear; only Fierce!

MEGrattan said...

Thanks for the hankie warning! I think that first song was from church last week, right? They are great...thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to start a Monday Morning....I feel empowered and cleansed from having a good cry.
" Most people feel better after a good cry. (At least most women do.) After shedding tears, there is generally a feeling of relief and renewed strength to face difficult situations. But new evidence suggests that there may be more to crying than just expressing feelings. Scientific research has found that tears produced by emotional crying, may be one of the ways that the body disposes of toxic substances"

So Maureen thanks, I feel wonderful
Love Barbara xoxox

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing.....just the best songs. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I show Ralei your blog and the family two and four legged.....we have the same kind of much love!! Chin up..fists up!!! Just wanted to wish you the brightest day!! JoAnna & Ralei:)

Anonymous said...

not quite 50 Cent but it will do!

Anonymous said...

We love your choices, specially I can only imagine, that is one of our favorites, it has always remainded us of Brayan. Love you soooooo much.

Liza and Jandy

Anonymous said...

Maureen...beautiful songs with great meaning. I hope you had a great day. I thought about you several times. Nighty night sweet girl.
Love, Janet

Kieran said...

Great songs Maureen!! I love reading about the fantastic Moons sisters too!! As we approach Thanksgiving - a time when we are asked to formally take note of our blessings, I just want you to know that I'm so thankful for the first day I met you! Much love and many kisses :-)

kennyk said...

I love how you posted a picture of your date on the 4th of July! That made me laugh real hard.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen it's Laureen,

Great stories about your wonderful are so lucky to have each other. Thinking about you lots.

Anonymous said...

Hi MiMi-
Barbara Grattan here. I love those songs, especially "I Can Only Imagine". I made a dvd for my husband Chris last year with pics of the family and included that song, which brought us to tears... Also, I included,"I will Be Here" by Steven Curtis Chapman.... Check it out...
Thanks for sharing. I never saw the video. Barbara G.