Well, I began my family introductions with the last child and will now end with the first born of Bob and Suzanne Moons, my oldest sister Mary Beth. I love this picture of Mary Beth above but will have to work on getting one to post of her without the shades so you can see her gorgeous eyes and incredibly long eyelashes!
As with all first children, Mary Beth was adored by Mom & Dad, and especially by Grandpa and Grandma Moons. You see, our dad was one of four boys in his family with no girls, and you can see from all our early family photographs how blissfully happy everyone was to finally have a girl in the family!!! All of our early family photo albums are filled with pictures of Mary Beth lovingly trying to get Michele and Molly to behave while dressed in starched, fluffled, ruffled, embroidered, frilled, pinafored matching dresses long enough to get a picture taken before mayhem ensued.
Mary Beth has been the forerunner for all five of us and we have learned much from her love of adventure and most especially the gift of making any gathering of more than two people into a great celebration. Her great sense of humor and love for practical jokes has kept everyone she knows laughing and on their toes for a long time!!!
Mary Beth inherited her love of adventure from my parents and grandparents which led her to exciting adventures we are all very proud of. She once went on vacation to Tortola, British Islands and didn't come back for seven years!! She had turned her skills as a great cook into a profession that enabled her to see the world and meet hundreds of people on charters. Those people continue to be friends with Mary Beth years after the charter is over. That is the kind of person Mary Beth is. She always shared her stories with her sisters which excited and inspired us so much that we wanted to go out there and see that beautiful world for ourselves. She is a very loving sister, a successful sailboat racing captain, a wonderful mother, and great friend to people of all walks of life and a role model for connecting the most interesting people together into one big family.
Mary Beth also gave our family the precious gift of the first grandchild, little Megan, and began our chapter of life as aunts. Little Megan is an absolutely stunningly beautiful young woman, inside and out. "Little" Megan is now in college. Hard to believe! Mary Beth is an awesome mom and it is reflected in Megan.
I love you both, MB and "little" Megan!!

Hi Maureen...I have really enjoyed getting to know your sisters. What a wonderful family. I hope you had a great day today. I pray that you will continue to have that peace that passes understanding (down in your heart. Where? down in your heart). That song makes so much more sense now, doesn't it? I probably won't be able to get that song out of my mind for the rest of the night :-)
Love, Janet
I second Janet's sentiments. I guess I never realized what a fabulous and entertaining writer you are. Seriously, I think you could write a book and sell loads of them. I know you are scared to death, but your writing is very calm and very funny. I, too, have enjoyed getting to know you and your family better. I have 2 sisters myself. I could never have made it through life without them. You are lucky to have 5!!
Love ya, Johnna
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