Monday, November 24, 2008

Do you like it?

I am finished with my blog changes. All I have left to do is airbrush all the wrinkles out of my face in the photo. Just kidding.....there is not a technology that good. lol

Another great day...praise God. Hope you can all say the same.

Much love,



Jane said...

Mo - you are so in "Coo Coo"! ;) I LOVE this picture (I loved all of the pictures you shared on that link). The blog site is looking spectacular. I'm imagining a server room in you house and your tinkering with wrenches and a hammer. Who says you're not technical?
Love, Jane-o

Jane said...

P.S. - I purposely misspelled two words in my post to challenge your Scrabble skills.

MEGrattan said...

Love it! Great photo, Mimi! Where you see wrinkles I see laugh lines!

Jane, I must really stink at Scrabble because I can't find the misspelled words...

xoxo Megan

Anonymous said...

I found the words! "you" and "your". Actually, they aren't misspelled. If we were playing Scrabble, I would never challenge them.

Maureen, the site looks GLORIOUS! Great job, whatever you did. And congrats on another good day! Lets pray that they are mostly good days during your treatment. They'll be GREAT days on the other side.

Julie said...

Caroline gave me your info and told me about your adoptions and your Cancer! I am sending prayers your way.
I would love to connect more so e-mail me if you can.
I know we knew eachother, and think some of our siblings were even closer :) Your children are beautiful!
Julie (Hague) Gattuso

Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen,

Those pictures are beautiful! All three of you are glowing! What a wonderful family! I hope you had a wonderful day and will get a good nights sleep. I pray that you will have a good day tomorrow. I continue to lift you all up in my prayers.
Love, Janet

Martha said...

I love the picture, as well as the others you have posted. What a wonderful family.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Mimi,

Man, you are so photogenic! (I'm hoping Jane will check that spelling!)

Love the family photo, love all the photos -- o.k. the truth is that I only got half way through them because I'm at work and I needed to spend at least 5 minutes with each picture! I felt like I was in Dallas visiting with you. Can't wait to give hugs to you and the kids.

God bless you and continue to do His good work in you today. My prayer is that this will be a joyful and healthy day for you.

I love you tons!


Anonymous said...

Have a great day Mo! I bet you are on cloud nine with Suzy, Donald and the kids coming in town today. Have a great visit and know that you are loved.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Everyday I open your blog I smile. Thank you for that.
Love Barbara