If there are any BOY readers out there, cover your ears and hum for this first part of my post.
Okay, the one side effect of the chemo that I was soooooooo looking forward to was the ONLY one I did NOT get. ***I started*** Jeepers! Can you believe it? Aunt Flo is visiting. What a rip off! I am going to call them tomorrow and tell them I want my money back. tee hee Just kidding. I am so grateful to have such amazing medicine and doctors. I should not joke like that.
Okay, guys, you can come back now.
I re-read my post from Monday and what I know in my heart but neglected to articulate in the post was that the reason my "why" or rather "how" thinking is foolish is because I know this is God's plan for me...and as tongue-in-cheek as I am about everything, this I know like I know my name. I know this is a part of His plan and I will not question it. He is faithful. I know He will give me enough strength for the day. I know each morning He will refill me for the coming day. Thank you for letting me indulge on Monday without judgement.
The greatest thing happened this week. I reconnected with one of the dearest people...someone that was my best friend and neighbor. We drifted. That happens. But I always get a warm feeling when I think about her. She moved out east. But we started e-mailing again this week. And it is like we never missed a beat. She is back in my life and I am thrilled! I would tell you her name but she is famous and you would all be hitting me up for an autograph. I wish I could share with you some small snippets of her eloquence but as I try to repeat it here it just loses something. So suffice to say, I am ecstatic to be in touch with her again.
Check this out. This is what keeps me going. This is my fuel, my sword, my armor (Abby-isms....oops I revealed her name! Drats!), my shield, my strength. I have saved every single card you guys have sent me. And when I need it, I sit down in the middle of the floor and pour them all out and soak in your words of encouragement...and read each one over and over...including every card, post and e-mail. You are the best friends and I stand taller in this fight because of ALL of you! Thank you...

One last thing. About 4 or 5 weeks ago I had a photographer, who I am proud to say is now my friend, come to the house to take our family pictures. A little history on how I know this lovely, talented person: her name is Amy Coffee and she participates as a volunteer in a program called Celebrating Adoption, a national organization of photographers that donate their time and talent to families with newly adopted children. Amy photographed us earlier in the year just after Angelica came home. But I asked her to come back again to capture us one last time before I lose my hair. She took some AMAZING pictures. She is wonderful! I love all the ones of me and the kids, but I have to say one of my absolute favorites is the one of Oddie with dirt on his nose next to the Tonka truck. I would title it "ALL BOY!". But I'm a goof ball. Sit back and enjoy these. There are a ton....so look when you have time. (By the way, like all outside links, I think you have to hit your back button to get back to here. Not sure how to set it for links to open in a new window)
Oh...most important...Amy's website: http://www.impactphoto.us/. She donates a portion of each project to organizations she believes in. Hence the name "Impact". How cool is that?
Sorry for the ramble. Love to you all!
Oh, Maureen, you just got me all weepy again! I am so happy to be back in touch with you again and I'm sorry it was under such stressful circumstances. But as you say, Gad has a plan and I believe people are in our lives for a reason. True friendship is timeless, as you and I have discovered.
Oh I was going to tell you which picture was my favorite, well that is impossible because they are all truly beautiful. I am so happy you reconnected with Abby. I told you that along with all the bad things that happen during this journey there are also some wonderful things that happen. I am so happy for you both. I loved all the cards and emails on the table. I still treasure all of mine and read them frequently. Love to you Maureen. Have a wonderful day. Love Barbara xoxox
You are gorgeous, inside and out! Oscar is absolutely dashing, and Angelica is just so squeezable. I looked at every single picture--great to see Megan!--and while each one is cherishable, I think I'm favoring the glamour shots with Scruffy (!!!). You all are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I love you. --Janice.
I sear I feel technically retarded every time I want to post to your blog. I know it is so easy but I think I have a personal limitation with it. Given we work in software I expect more from myself, but everytime I want to comment on one of your blog entries I think I need flash cards and a step by step manual to press the right buttons. How embarassing!! It's ok if you want to delete me as a blogger - I am an not doing much for your blog image. Anyway, that was quite a prologue to tell you how incredible the pictures are. Every single one is so crisp and so in the moment - I feel like I was there and can see all the laughter you bring to your children and all the love you give to your puppies! I miss you so much and want to let you know how often you are thought of.
Much love,
38-year old who can't blog
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