Before I go further, please let me tell you again about how much all your calls, cards, letters, flowers, e-mails, posts, thoughts and prayers mean to me. I have a folder to save every single sentiment (cards and printed out e-mails & posts) and enjoy reading and re-reading them. I am sorry I am so effusive. I just want you to know. And I have not replied to everyone which by my nature makes me riddled with guilt. I want to reach out and touch each of you the way you have touched me. So forgive the group hug of thanks. Please know that your loving support means so much to me!
Halloween was fun. My sweet friend Brian went with us which made it so much more fun. Plus it was a Godsend when little feet could not walk any more. Here are some pictures.
Angelica was an angel even though she was dressed as a child riding a chicken. It is hard to tell which ones are her real legs. She is a living doll and such a joy!

Angelica really did not want her picture taken but I have my ways (after a long night of fun).

This child is my kryptonite (superman or not).

Here are 2 videos of the kids (years apart) wearing the same chicken costume. When Oscar falls over in this first one and the legs fly up, I just come undone. Cracks me up!!
Here is Angelica this year in that same costume. Again, not wanting to perform for the paparazzi.
Thank you for letting me indulge with all these pics and videos of the kids.
Hi Mimi-
Do they make the chicken suit in adult sizes with ample booties. I WANT ONE!!
Barbara Grattan
The chicken costuem rocks!!! So cute!
So cute Maureen, you look awesome. It was good to see you as well.
Thanks for the group hug, I felt it.
I know you can feel my love, strengh and hope as you read my comment.
Enjoy today.....
Love Barbara xoxoxox
Good morning Maureen..I echo Barbara's look awesome in the pics! I didn't realize you would be dressing up too. Ha Ha.
That chicken costume is the cutest! It's so funny with all the legs swinging about.
Have a great day.
Love, Janet
toooo glad you were out and about and had lots of goulish fun!!!
Let the guilt go girl....I so get it have felt the same is a gift to allow others to encourage and give.....they know your heart and your focus your updates, photos and status gives back to each of just group hug must not let things worry you....stay positive and focus on the task at hand...fists rock and the remission will come and you even now there will be better days...I can hardly believe I have hair and was DX almost 3 years ago....that will make me a 3 year survivor and 1 year and 5 months in remission DEC. 20! Fists up!!!
Have a happy day!!
Maureen--Fantastic! We're all enjoying the videos over here! What a beautiful family. Oscar and Angelica are always so happy... a testament to what a truly incredible MOM you are!
XOXO The Howays
Dear Mimi,
Looks like you all had lots of fun for Halloween. We did too. I dressed up as a devil and scared the kids, including my husband. You have fond, happy memories which we hope will give you added strength and courage. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Bon Courage!
We send you a Big Hug and Kiss.
Vasili, Donna, Niki & Victoria Tsamis (Donald's sister & family)
Thinking of you today. Have you got this book yet?
Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr. It is great. Uplifting and full of hope.
Love You
That chicken costume is hilarious!! I would definitely wear that in an adult size! Although, I have always wanted to be Batman as well...
((u)) back at ya!
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