Friday, November 14, 2008


The only thing funnier than the bllllud video is the fact that my 12 year old nephew AJ had to point out that I have Scrabble spelled wrong in my "About Me" description. I know you all have been dying to tell me and I really appreciate your sensitivity to my inflated sense of lexicon prowess.



Anonymous said...


Lexico - what an appropriate term given the sign of the times. i have been thinking about you this week. Hope you are doing well.


Anonymous said...

tooooo funny laughter is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

oh that was so funny. Hope you are having a fun day and feeling good.
Love Barbara

Anonymous said...

I always knew you cheated! Now I have proof.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great weekend Maureen. What is the plan for this week? when is your next chemo? Are you finally feeling a little better.
I will be thinking of you.
Love Barbara xoxoxo