I started back up on my nightly chemo pills last night. I am going to work out a strict probiotic schedule along with a very careful diet. I only have 2 more months on these pills. I can do this!!!!!!
On another topic... Anyone want a Corgi? He has many talents including climbing up on a 38" countertop. I guess I don't really mind him up there since at least I know he is not peeing on the carpet.

How on EARTH did he get up there??!! Surely the short legs couldn't be much help. He does, though, look very comfortable, almost cat-like, up there, all proud and everything.
I will be praying hard for you and your stomach over the next two months. You can do this!! I love you!! --Janice.
That is great! My cousin's dog somehow gets on top of their bird feeder in the back yard. I've never seen her actually do the climb/levitation, but I've seen her once she's up there.
I'm doing the strong stomach dance.
Hang in there my girl... You are super strong.
Maureen, I think about you everyday. Hang in there. I know you don't feel strong right now, but dig down deep and you can do it. I'm sorry about the intestinal stuff. Yuck. It sounds like this is an aggressive treatment, so that is good. You are in my heart and prayers. Think cancer-free. It is a wonderful place to be. Mary Coman
Maureen, when we first got Giacomo (a retired racing greyhound) he came straight off the track and into our house. The first week, I came around the corner to find an 85 lb dog on my dining room table, scarfing down the crackers and cheese. Nothing in life prepares you for a HUGE dog on your kitchen table... Cats yes, dogs, no.
I am sure Odie was just taking drink orders, as usual. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine!
Thinking of you while you continue taking these lovely pills. Julie, Marc, Sydney and Izzy
I'm a little hurt that you didn't offer Odie to me first. If you recall, he DID try to make me his wife when I was visiting. (Shhhh, don't tell Michele - he gave her the "I just want to be friends" talk, but she still thinks she is his favorite!) Loved the photos, and can just imagine the good laugh you had when you found him up there. Ever consider a new name "Houdini"? Maybe you could spell it "H odie ni -- LOL.
Miss you lots, and love you more.
God bless.
Smart dog! And yes..two more months...you can do this!!
Love, Janet
Do I need to take Odie and Lila on a little drive out to the country? Just kidding... Molly's comment especially cracked me up, though!
Hang in there, Maureen. You are such an inspiration to so many. Glad the kids are feeling better. The Howays love you all.
He definitely has that "up to no good" gleam in his eye! Thank heaven for our pets. They know how to keep us smiling.
I hope your side effects will become easier to handle and that soon you'll be eating cookies again!
Love, Elaine
I could see Buddy, my crazy dog doing something like that. I won't show her or she might get the idea to try it.. Girl, I am still with you and hang in there and get ready for the KC, it is just around the corner. Will stop by and visit SOON> Christy
wow pretty incredible!!!
YES you can do it......fists up girl....we are praying and thinking about you and the family each day.......you can do it!!!! JoAnna
You can do it! There is a pretty good probiotic drink I've tried - it's called Yakult. http://www.yakultusa.com/
It tastes a little bit like an orange julius. Not sure if that sounds appealing? I hope this combo makes you feel better...
Wow, that is talent! I can't believe that his short legs can propel him up that high. That's darn inspiring.
Hi Maureen, How lovely that the girls were with you yesterday. You look wonderful in the pictures Johnna sent me. I am just so proud of you. I wish I could be with you.
Love, hugs and kisses to those beautiful children of yours.
Love Barbara
Saying a prayer for your stomach. Hang in there!
i don't know the how..but i sure as heck know the why.
he's looking for me !!!
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