Tuesdays chemo went well with the company of my sweet friends Janet and Johnna. They were with me for the whole day.....they got to meet Dr. O, we had a picnic on the floor of the lobby, they made instant friends with people in the infusion waiting area, and they even hung around once I zonked out from the pre-drugs! Of course, once I heard a camera click I had to convey my wish for the world from under the covers.

I was able to ask Dr. O a lot of questions this time. She was her typical kind but forthright self. My specific cancer diagnosis is (I will say "was", since I am so close to being past tense) Stage IIIc and HER2 +++. The triple positive was the worrisome part but it doesn't matter since I will soon be well.
The one burning question I had for her had to do with the risk of reoccurance and living with the fear. I loved her answer. Very Zen-like. She said the fear is a part of how your body deals with this. Don't repress or deny it...that is not realistic. Let it in but then let it go. And in time those thoughts will come less frequent. I will not let it rule me. And it helps that they will be scanning the be-jeebers outta me every 3 months. lol
My love to you all!
I can second what your Doc said....it is a challenge you will get there with all the love surrounding you and sometimes you even ask some to help you push forward. Pray that fear away...it will subside.
Her+++ I was 3.8 4 this highest?! It does make it more aggressive...you are getting such great care and the top of line targeted meds girl...and the good thing is her2 they are really inside of and new things are happening with this dx everyday.
You and yours are always in my prayers and agree gal...peace!!! Hope your weekend goes well.
what a beautiful post.
i just love dr. o's wisdom.
i just love that it brings you to a higher understanding....not that i want to talk about it or anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just love the wonderful amigas
that supported you ... and most especially, you.
one more treatment down the hatch !
I love the title of your post today! That is so wonderful that you have such amazing friends!! Nothing better than great friends who are really there when you need them the most!! You look fantastic and it is amazing that you had Chemo as you look so perky and happy. May God continue to richly Bless you as you go through this bump in the road. I am praying for you:) Angie
I just felt honored to be with Maureen for her chemo day. She is truly the Queen of the chemo room. She is just this bright, happy, cheery person who greeted everyone with a smile. She already knew several people and even made a couple more friends while we were there. Girl..you know how to work a room. I'm sure this is no surprise to those of you who know her. Who wouldn't want to be around such a positive inspiring person? I know I sure would!
Maureen..there are several reasons as to why you will beat this cancer, but one of them is your positive outlook. It truly is a blessing to be your friend.
Much Love, Janet
I am so impressed at how much you know about your disease. I can just see you becoming an oncologist. The girls said how amazing you were, the "Queen" of the oncology Dept.
I am just so proud of you.
I loved the pictures.
Love Barbara
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