Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have so many things to be thankful for over the last not-so-fun 3 days. God's love, your support, my children and a great big loud shout out goes my wonder sister, Michele. She rocks. It would be impossible to describe all the sacrifices she has made to be here...and trying to write about them just minimizes them. I am not even sure how she is making all of them all the while caring for her family of 6 here on Annapolis Street: me, Oscar, Angelica, Scruffy, Zoey and Oddie. But she is doing it with such kindness, skill, grace, patience and aptitude.....it is unbelievable. She is so good at it!! Just like everything she puts her mind to. From the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful, Michele. And I am actually a little worried about my job! lol

I feel like I am on the other side of the yuck. I woke up early feeling good, praise God. And I have learned some things too. So now is where I share my first chemo part of this journey with you. I hesitate because I don't want this to sound like a pity party or, in some cases, I am putting on a brave front, or whatever. I just want to write so this will serve as a reminder and hopefully, maybe, help someone else as so many have helped me. Sitting here right now, what I am feeling is analogous with what I think it might be like for a mom who has given birth.....how you forget how bad you felt because you are so happy (in my case that it seems to be over).

So Friday was my first chemo cocktail given via my port. Michele and I laughed because we truly expected trumpets to herald some miracle happening. But, alas, it was just me in a room with many others, in a chair wrapped in love under a blanket provided by my dear SkillSoft friends. I had the “boys” (my imaginary 4-legged friends...my Shepherds) with me in my mind and heart…and Michele. I pulled the curtain and I sat watching the drip, drip, drip. For some reason, I didn't want the TV or music or book or anything. I just sat there and it was peaceful. It also gave me a chance to pray for all the sick people around me.

I have breezed through the oral chemo and surprised my oncologist. I take 1,500 mg of the clinical trial drug every night…6 horse pills. I have found out that everyone in the trial is on the same dose. So this dose is the same for a 250 lb person or a 115 lb person. Mouth sores (gone now), face rash (also gone now as much as I was enjoying reliving my teenage years via acne) and assorted other unpleasantness were some of my issues but all manageable.

Going into chemo all bolstered by my success with the oral drugs, I was sure I would soar through my first, and easiest chemo (as they are cummulative). I was a little disappointed how fast I got so sick. They said that 8 - 24 hours after the chemo I would feel bad and that would last about 4 days. I made it 4 hours. About 4 hours later I was in bed, down for the count. I was so bummed. But I went to bed, fell asleep by 4 or 5 in the afternoon and did not get up until 6:30 Saturday morning. I could not sleep straight through because I had to wake every 3 hours to go to the bathroom, doctor’s orders. One of the chemos is very hard on your bladder and the lining of the bladder so you have to void every 3 hours for the first week. Didn't matter. I would get up, do my business and fall comatose back into bed after guzzling more water mixed with lemon or something to hide the hideous metallic taste that is a constant in my mouth now a days. Those of you who know me best know that I am hyperactive. I am addicted to projects and always on the go. Napping for long periods got me through the last several days, thanks to the loving care from Michele, and I will try ot make a part of my routine as I go through this.

My goal today: eat. Eat lots. Not all at once. I will get up and I will eat all day in small, little nutritious, fattening, healthy meals. It is either that or my sisters are going to do an intervention. So I am capable and I am on it!!

God did not promise things would be easy but He did say I will not be alone. He has and will give me the strength I need during this time. And He will you too because I know that every person reading this has a cross they are bearing. My love to you all!



Anonymous said...

Sweet Maureen. I am glad you got a good nights sleep. You are moving me so much with your entries. I know that I am not the only one being moved. Our God is an awesome God. You will get through this and have an awesome testimony to share with others. I pray that God will continue to wrap His arms around you today and give you a good appetite and the ability to just "rest".
Love, Janet

Anonymous said...


I love you. It breaks my heart to hear about the side effects of the medication and how this cancer has turned your life upside dow. And yet I know that God uses our trials to grow us, strengthen us, to give us wisdom, and to shape us into His image, and for that I am deeply grateful.

It warms my heart to hear all the love you are receiving from Michele and so relieved that she is with you. she definitely has that "mother hen" instinct, and I know it brings you immense comfort. I know that each one of us wishes we could be with you every day, and I look forward to my time with you in just a few weeks. It also comforts me to hear all the love, kindness and generosity that you are receiving from your entire support base of family and friends.

I pray that today will be a good one for you, and that your time with Oscar and Angelica will bring you joy. I also thank God that He has given you a spirit of gratitude which you so eloquently expressed today - I'm confident that God will honor that and remain faithful to you througout this battle.

I love you and miss you more than you can know.

Molly xo

Anonymous said...

Mo- I am so happy to hear you are on this side of the pain. I have always known that you are a strong person and you continually inspire us all with your ability to face this disease with humor, grace, and poise. You are INCREDIBLE. Have a great day and know that you are loved and worth it!

Anonymous said...

so happy you are into the light today.....you are doing it right and you know the next chemo may not be just like the first so keep hope as I know you will....yes, yes, yes eat....keep the strength up and the nutrition your body needs in anyway you can...Your Sister is a Saint...my Sis was and still is the same throughout my whole issue...wow how strong and selfless....thank God for Sisters in many forms.

Thinking and praying for you....enjoy the today and the days ahead...an djust accept this is how things are for now...temporary those projects will all return. HEAL

Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen,
I am glad today is a little better. You will soon understand when I said just how very much you will appreciate those wonderful days when you feel good or somewhat normal. You will never ever take those days for granted. Thank Goodness for our sisters. My sister Helen was my rock. As sisters go, I truly feel I got the best, obviously there are so many sisters who deserve that title "The Best Sister Ever". I know that the care givers job is not easy. My thoughts, prayers and good wishes extend to all of those who are care givers.
I am so happy you had your blanket, you know we would all rather be with you rather than the blanket, but that blanket is very special and will comfort and protect you as you go through this journey.
Enjoy today Maureen.
Love Barbara xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Mimi! I love you. You amaze me. You are so strong! You are a hero for Oscar and Angelica. And your sisters! They are angels. I always knew when you all lived together on Worlington that, as you all moved on, you would never be far from each other's side. I wish I could be there right now with you, but I take great comfort that you are wrapped in love by your family and friends. Love you. --Janice.

Anonymous said...

Wow---you turned 4 days into 4 hours. You are one strong woman!

Keep eating--it will make you stronger and healthier!

Lori N.

Anonymous said...

You are resilient! HIS strength is perfect when our strength is gone.
God bless you, child of God.
Barbara Grattan

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
everyone has written such beautiful prose on love, strength and faith today, I decided i would write a disclaimer to her praise of simple sisterly love, and a warning for the record.

without maureen's friends we would have all starved because i can't cook worth a hoot and microwave technology is beyond my skill level....so i thank you all for giving us something to reheat!! ha ha. poor oscar will probably throw up if he sees mashed potatoes and peas again in his life ~~

mimi gets all starry eyed just because i fold the laundry...so that was an exceptionally easy score in the appreciation department.

maureen may be sick, but you just try keeping up with her...you need secret rocket boosters to stay one step ahead. while i do think she needs to drink ensures, i'm secretly glad i won't be around when she does because then it will be revealed once and for all i'm no match for Project Mama.

and for anyone who thinks maureen has lost her sense of humor, you are in serious trouble indeed. her wicked sense of practical jokes seems to be benefitting from all those little pills she takes every night, so don't say i didn't warn you.

one particularly traumatic prank was her coming out of the shower one day with a distraught look on her face holding a huge handful of her hair in her hands telling me it was from washing her hair.

as i'm trying to put on the brave face and gather the best supportive thoughts she bursts out laughing that mimi gotcha laugh ... she had saved the hair from her last haircut. i tell ya, that was the end of sympathy from me.

but honestly, mimi, thank you for all of your loving praise, but it is you who brings forth the best in us all.


p.s. do NOT let her canoodle you into thinking Odie the peeing puppy just loves you so much he keeps telling her he wants to go home with you.

Anonymous said...

I was talking to Michelle this evening and she conveyed to me that the hardest times for Maureen right now are in the late afternoon. Mo gets very tired about the time the kids come home from school. So if you have a few extra hours between 3-6, Mo could use some help entertaining the kids. They love to take walks, read, or just jump on the trampoline. This would free Mo up for some guiltless down time knowing her children are in good hands.
We love you Mo!

Anonymous said...

Hello Maureen,
It is Thursday and I am just wondering how you are doing? I do hope you are feeling better.
Sending you my love and prayers.
God Bless